The tweet contained a video, being a time-lapse of the making of the button with Baccarat's crystal work. It is made of dark glass or brass with a piece of red baccarat crystal made of gold, barium oxide and sand in the center encased in a red briefcase with the YouTube logo stamped on the front. This Play Button was revealed through a tweet from YouTube themselves on September 6th, 2019. There are currently only five YouTube channels that have received this award two individual YouTubers: PewDiePie and MrBeast, as well as three corporations/brands: T-Series, Cocomelon, Like Nastya, Vlad and Niki, and SET India. The Red Diamond Play Button is a special award by YouTube given to channels who reach 100,000,000 (100 million) subscribers.
The Red Diamond Play Button in YouTube's promotional video.